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Warranty Terms

DJI guarantees that, subject to the following conditions, Return & Refund Service and Warranty Repair Service can be requested. Please contact us for more details.

You can request Return & Refund Service:

✓ Within three (3) calendar days of receiving a product if the product has no manufacturing defect, has not been activated and is still in new or like-new condition.

✓ Within three (3) calendar days of receiving a product if the product has a manufacturing defect.

Return & Refund Service will not be provided where:

× It is requested beyond three (3) calendars days of receiving a product.

× A product sent for Return & Refund Service does not include all original accessories, attachments or packaging, or any item is not in new or like-new condition, i.e. with cracks, dents or scratches.

× A legal proof of purchase, receipt or invoice is not provided or is reasonably believed to have been forged or tampered with.

× Any fault or damage of the product is caused by unauthorized use or modification of the product, including exposure to moisture, entry of foreign bodies (water, oil, sand, etc.) or improper installation or operation.

× Product labels, serial numbers, waterproof marks, etc. show signs of tampering or alteration.

× Damage is caused to the product by uncontrollable external factors, including fire, floods, high winds or lightning strikes.

Warranty Repair Service

Main parts of DJI products have various warranty periods. A list of types of main parts and their respective warranty periods can be found at

You can request Warranty Repair Service where:

✓ The product must not have been subjected to abnormal or unauthorized used, as intended by the manufacturer during the warranty period.

✓ Product labels, Serial Numbers, water damage marks, false proof mark, etc. show no signs of tampering or altering.

✓ No unauthorized disassembling, modification or installation has been performed on the product or a component.

✓ You provide a valid proof-of-purchase, receipt or order number (for DJI Direct Sales).

Warranty Repair Service will not be provided where:

× Crash or fire damage caused by non-manufacturing factors.

× Damage caused by unauthorized modification, disassembly, or shell opening not in accordance with the official instructions or manuals.

× Damage caused by improper installation, incorrect use or operation not in accordance with the official instructions or manuals.

× Damage caused by unauthorized repair.

× Damage caused by unauthorized circuit modification and mismatch or misuse of the battery or charger.

× Damage caused by flights which did not follow the instruction manual recommendations.

× Damage caused by operation in bad weather (i.e. strong wind, rain, sand/dust storms, etc.).

× Damage caused by operating the unit in an environment with electromagnetic interference (i.e. a mining areas, close to radio transmission towers, high-voltage wires, substations, etc.).

× Damage caused by operating the product in an environment containing interference from other wireless devices (i.e. transmitter, video-link, Wi-Fi signals, etc.).

× Damage caused by operating the unit at a weight greater than the safe takeoff weight as specified by the instruction manuals.

× Damage caused by a flight in which damaged components or components suffering from natural wear and tear were used.

× Damage caused by reliability or compatibility issues when using unauthenticated third-party parts.

× Damage caused by operating the unit with a low-charged or defective battery.

× Product labels, serial numbers, waterproof marks, etc. show signs of tampering or alteration.

× A product has not been sent back to DJI seven (7) calendar days after warranty service confirmation from DJI.

× Other circumstances stated in this policy.



For warranty period of Main Parts please visit