For the attention of owners and operators of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones)
From September 1 of 2017, the rules of exploitation, use and restrictions on the registration and operation of unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as unmanned aerial systems have been initiated. The regulation establishes the norms for operating unmanned aerial vehicles and its purpose is to protect the safety of the airspace on the territory of Georgia.
Following category is not subject to regulations:
- Unmanned aerial vehicles less than 250 grams;
- Toy unmanned aerial vehicles (flying equipment designed or manufactured for children, the maximum height of the flight should not exceed 30 meters from the ground surface and potential energy of 79 joules/ 022 Wh);
- Use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the private premises (closed space).
General requirements:
- It is forbidden to operate the unmanned aerial aircraft carelessly, in order to avoid causing danger to the lives of people and their property, as well as the threat to other aircrafts;
- The pilot of the unmanned aerial vehicle should avoid flying above, below or in front of an aerial vehicle, that has a pilot on board, except when they are in safe distance and take into account the turbulence effect of the aircraft.
- It is prohibited to transfer human beings with unmanned aerial vehicles;
- It is prohibited to simultaneously manage several unmanned aerial vehicles from one remote control station;
- Any event created during use of the unmanned aerial vehicle that disturbs or threatens the air traffic, as well as safety of individuals and property, pilot / operator of the unmanned aerial aircraft shall immediately notify the Civil Aviation Agency;
- It is not permitted to cross the border of Georgia by unmanned aerial aircraft without Agency’s permission;
- Operation of unmanned aerial aircraft without the consent of the relevant body of air traffic management on the open sea is prohibited;
- Use of an autonomous unmanned aircraft (unmanned aerial body, which can interfere with flight management in the flight process) is prohibited.
Open category:
Operation of a remote controlled aircraft does not require the consent of the Civil Aviation Agency in the open category. You do not need the Agency’s consent if you follow the following categories.
- The maximum weight of a remotely controlled aircraft is not greater than 25 kg;
- The height of the flight does not exceed 400 feet (122 meters) from the surface of the land;
- The operational speed is not greater, than 54 km / h (15 m / s);
- Operation is carried out at least 6 kilometers away from Georgia’s airports;
- Operation is always carried out under the supervision of an operator, flying horizontally 50 meters away from individuals who are not included in the project.
- Exploitation is carried out on the road or along the road at least 50 meters away;
- Operation should be carried out not less than 50 meters away from the construction site, except when the operator is the owner of this building or has obtained consent from the owner of the building;
- Parts of removable aircraft carriers are factory produced and are not modified;
- Dismantling or any sort of spraying of the subjects is not carried out from the remotely controlled aircraft;
- Removing subjects, dangerous goods and substances are not carried out by remotely controlled aircrafts;
- Remotely controlled unmanned aerial vehicles are not used for towing;
- UAV are not operated for drone shows or piloting/pilotage.
- Individuals under 14 years operating an UAV is supervised by experienced adults.
Specific Category:
If the nature of your operations differ from the conditions under an open category, an operator should refer to the Georgian Civil Aviation Agency and request a special permission. flightstandards@gcaa.ge
For the permission to fly a UAV, you have to submit the following information:
- Application
- Information about the UAV (system, operation characteristics, technical capabilities, emergency situations, system malfunction procedures, risk assessment, etc.)
- Geographical coordinates and flight heights for flight / flights;
- A copy of the “Instruction of Implementation of the Unmanned Aerial Flight” issued by the manufacturer if possible;
- A copy of the registration certificate for operating a UAV in the Air Traffic (s)
- Flights handling guide;
- Unmanned air systems onboard logs;
- In case of unmanned aerial aircraft larger, than 25kg – technical service regulation (program).
- Other additional information requested by the Agency taking into consideration the specifics of the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles;
- A document confirming payment of the fee;
- For legal entities extract from the registry and organizational structure with the indication of responsible persons;
- A person’s health certificate that has to carry out the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles;
- For a proper instruction please see the normative act.
Use of an aircraft, weight of which exceeds 5 kg, is subject to registration.
- An unmanned aerial vehicle should be registered on a legal entity or an individual who has reached the minimum age of 16 years.
- Registration of unmanned aerial vehicles is carried out if it is not registered in any other State Registry System.
- The registration certificate is valid through the existence of an unmanned aerial vehicle and is unlimited. The Agency is authorized to claim the existence of an unmanned aerial vehicle once every 2 years.
- The UAV entered into the database is given a 5-digit mark.
- An UAV will be issued a certificate of registration of the unmanned aerial vehicle.
In order to obtain a certificate, the following documents should be submitted to the Agency:
- Application
- Document confirming payment of registration fee;
- Copy of the identity document (if the applicant is a natural person);
- Documents reflecting technical and flight characteristics.
For more information please refer to the Georgian Aviation Agency website www.gcaa.ge